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Learn more about our 25+ years of experience in both development and redevelopment of mixed-use, multi-tenant shopping centers, single tenant net-leased buildings, student housing, office and medical.


We are often asked, “where did the name OakMae come from?” and the truth is, we made it up! OakMae is a combination of two names— the “Oak” part comes from the historic oak trees that serve as a prominent and beautiful backdrop to the landscape in the south where we both grew up and is our development area of focus.


The “Mae” part comes from Whiskey Mae (seen here), Jennifer’s beloved Labradoodle that many agree is one part dog, four parts human and is a fixture at most of our site visits, business meetings and conference calls.





©2021 by EGE


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OakMae Development

Chattanooga, TN

Tel: 404.550.7287

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